Dissent in the BPP

The fragile peace that generally characterized the functioning of the Bombay Parsi Punchayet (BPP) since the trusteeship election two-and-a-half years ago appears to be shattered. Three trustees, Anahita Desai, Hoshi Jal and Dr Adil Malia are said to have written a long letter to the BPP chairman Viraf Mehta and three of their co-trustees, Armaity Tirandaz, Xerxes Dastur and Maharukh Noble expressing their dissent and disapproval of the chairman’s style of functioning. The reasons cited by them allegedly include adhocism, unilateral decision-making, involvement of the chairman’s family in the handling of BPP trust matters, an alleged physical assault at Khareghat Colony where Viraf’s father, Dinshaw, is said to have hit Ervad Cyrus Dastoor, an office bearer of a rival association, resolving and settling of issues concerning the chairman’s friends and family in their favor and systematically victimizing others who challenge the chairman and his family. There was a heated argument in the BPP boardroom last Tuesday (January 28) and reportedly the three signatories are said to have walked out of the trustees’ meeting. Parsiana has not seen the three trustees’ letter which is being kept confidential.

Parsiana has sought clarification from both Viraf and Dinshaw Mehta to the allegations made in the letter as well as from Dastoor and awaits their response.
