

“A uniting force”

I would like to express my views in the context of Kersee Kabraji’s letter "A uniting force” (Readers’ Forum, Parsiana, February 7, 2016) on the need to unite the warring factions in the community — reformists and orthodox. "O Ahura, the all knowledgeable, all knowing, divine and very kind/ My prayer to you always was, to us lovingly. With a thread bind;/ But today pray I, let the two factions, their own business mind./ Fight they with each other, making allegations very rude, hurtful and unkind./ Learn we must the consequences; the scars that history has left behind./ Now, amicably let us divide; and our own way of worshipping, let’s find.” ARMIN DUTIA MOTASHAW Ahmedabad ...

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