The July 7-20, 2022 issue of Parsiana carries two articles about Prime Minister Narendra Modi. The first is Berjis Desai’s gushing report, "A stamp for the Samachar,” on Modi at the 200th anniversary celebration of Asia’s oldest newspaper, Mumbai Samachar. On reading it I was reminded of Hitler’s enormous wreath at Gen Rommel’s funeral. Hitler feared Rommel’s popularity and, even while praising him in public, had him assassinated. Just as Modi praises the media even as he throttles it.
The other report ("Meeting Modi,” Events and Personalities) is equally sugary with a reference to Modi’s "aura.” Sir, what kind of aura does a practitioner of dushmata, duzukta, duzvarshta (the opposite of good thoughts, good words, good deeds) emanate? NAWSHIR MIRZA