Rationalism in Zoroastrianism: Dedicated to the Revival of Refreshed Zoroastrianism For All Mankind by Kersee Kabraji. Published in 2015 by Partridge, a Penguin Random House Company, email: orders.india@partridgepublishing.com; website: www.partridgepublishing.com/india. Pp: xx + 50. Price: Rs 400.
To commence with a disclaimer sounds ominous! Despite repeated requests to exclude the undersigned from his Acknowledgements, the compiler has gone ahead regardless. There is nothing in Kersee Kabraji’s (pictured) foray into Zoroastrianism to suggest that he has followed any solicited advice and guidance on the proper appraisal of the coherent philosophy underpinning Gathic precepts. So, assuming this task here as stupefied reviewer will......