Freemasons’ fraternity

Scholar-reformer K. R. Cama’s association with the Freemasonic movement for 56 years was reverentially recalled
Text: Parinaz M. Gandhi  Photos: Jasmine D. Driver

The bust of Kharshedji Rustomji Cama on the first landing of the stairway at the Freemasons’ Hall was decorated with a few flowers. The thick rose garland on the inscription below concealed some of the wordings that recognized him as the "Right Worshipful Brother (Bro) and Most Excellent Companion… Honorary Grand Warden of the Grand Lodge of Scotland… Past Master and for 56 years an active member of Lodge Rising Star of Western India.” The spotlight on the bust in lilac and purple ensured that Cama remained in focus for the visitors entering the imposing building for the first time......

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