Monetizing our assets

For over 20 years we have been debating how to monetize our defunct or near defunct assets like agiaries and dharamshalas located mostly in Bombay and Gujarat as well as in other places. Two decades ago I had suggested the merging of fires of languishing agiaries with those of active ones. To my question: "Which scripture prohibits this?” till date there has been no response. Parsis seem to have lost both pragmatism and the fire in the belly. By merging the fires we will not be sacrificing anything. On the contrary, these fires will remain holy forever. At the recent annual general meeting of the Global Council of Zoroastrians Trust in Bombay on February 2, 2025 Piruz Khambata of Ahmedabad made some logical suggestions on this subject. Let us follow his advice and monetize the assets before they become valueless. The wealth so generated could be used for the welfare of working or retired mobeds and their families; enthusing young athornan boys to take up the priesthood; providing medical treatment; helping students with scholarships; the alleviation of poverty; renovating or restoring useful community properties; and supporting Parsi managed hospitals. B. T. DASTUR ...

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