“Let me burst your bubble”

I’m not looking for any kind of fame/ Attached to my name/ But, wondering why there/ Is so much negativity/ About my poems? Cause there are/ Idiots, racists, bigots/ In the Zoroastrian community/ Who think they have/ Monopoly over wisdom/ Trying to tear the/ Zoroastrian community/ Along the lines of the/ St Andreas fault./ They think they are superior/ And therefore blue-blooded. Let me burst your bubble/ You are the ones/ Who bring shame upon/ A beautiful religion/ Which encourages/ Freedom of good thoughts/ Good words, good deeds/ With no strings attached. Domination, dogmatism/ Ruling with an iron fist/ Will only last for so long/ But life’s very uncertain/ Who knows in whose arms/ You gonna be?/ Who will carry you "home?” Some may follow you/ Like meek little lambs/ Thinking you are the/ Alpha and Omega/ But God can make you or/ He can break you./ So preach His/ Pristine message/ The way it’s meant/ To be preached/ If You are a true Zoroastrian. FARIDA BAMJI Ottawa, Canada faridabam@gmail.com  ...

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