“Substitute for vultures”

I read with interest Cyrus Bharucha’s views ("Substitute for vultures,” Readers’ Forum, Parsiana, December 7-20, 2022) on the replacement of vanishing vultures by the flesh eating Hargila birds from Assam. Equally commendable are the comments of the Parsiana editor pointing out the obstacles and objections coming in the way of the project. Organizations like the Wildlife Institute of India Dehradun (WII) Dehradun, and the Bombay Natural History Society (BNHS) could provide suitable guidance in search and maintenance of appropriate species that could dispense of decomposing human flesh.  A species that comes to my mind is a mongoose-like creature, popularly called the "grave-digger,” that inhabits hollows on the river banks. Reportedly it is so fond of dead human flesh that it digs up graves; hence the name ghor-khodu which means grave-digger. With expert advice and guidance from the WII and BNHS and support of the Central and State governments, a project could be launched on an experimental scale with a couple of specimens to revitalize the dakhmenashini system. Dr V. M. MEHER HOMJI        vispimeherhomji@gmail.com ...

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