

We are debarred

I have ma rried a Jain girl and have been living happily in Navsari since the last 10 years. No doubt she has to face a complete boycott from all community activities but as she is educated and logical, she does not mind. Our children too are very mature and, knowing the harsh ground realities, have coped very well. Unfortunately we don’t get any help from leading Parsi institutions as is provided to the rest of the community, like residence, etc. I feel very bad, as if we are debarred, but live on cheerfully hoping one day there will be a change in attitude.                             MARZI BHESANIA  Navsari     I would like to think that as long as there is some Parsi heritage in the person, he/she is a Parsi. A mixing of races should not be considered an impurity, but rather an alloy, lending strength to each other; like tin and copper making the beautiful alloy bronze.         JAMSHED R. UDVADIA

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