Cleanliness and godliness

Fire temples in and around Bombay are being spruced up by volunteers thanks to a new initiative launched by Bombay Parsi Punchayet trustee Maharukh Noble
Farrokh Jijina

On a visit to the Golden Temple in Amritsar in September 2019 Bombay Parsi Punchayet (BPP) trustee Maharukh Noble was "highly impressed not only with its beautiful architecture (but also) the way it was maintained… I was told that members of the (Sikh) community from all over the world are eagerly waiting in queue to volunteer their services in different activities like washing utensils, cooking, cleaning the complex... I saw volunteers working silently even at two and three in the morning… they volunteered in shifts,” she told Parsiana in interviews on April 3 and April 20, 2023. A concept in......

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