From the early 19th century to the mid-20th century, Parsi authors and thinkers have contributed considerably to Gujarati literature and culture. The role of public figures like Dadabhai Naoroji and Pherozeshah Mehta; authors Behramji Malbari and Ardeshar Khabardar; journalists Bomanjee Byramjee Patel (of Parsi Prakash), and Furdoonjee Murzbanjee (of Mumbai Samachar); theater personalities Kaikhushru Kabraji and Adi Marzban; researchers Jehangir Sanjana and Ratan Marshal; actor-directors Burjor and Ruby Patel; and photographer Homai Vyarawalla, to mention only a few, has been crucial to the overall cultural life of India and specifically of Gujarat. However, in the 21st century, one has not been......