The financial problems of the Bombay Parsi Punchayet (BPP) mentioned by you in your editorial "A new image?” (Parsiana, June 21- July 6, 2023) are more or less similar to those of many anjumans both in India and abroad.
As far as the decreasing population is concerned, one can take a horse to the water but cannot compel it to drink. It is rare to see couples with one child, leave alone two, and near impossible to come across anyone with three children.
Interfaith marriage has become a scourge for the community, mostly because of the intransigent policy of the orthodox and the clergy of not accepting children and spouses into the fold.
Drugs have become another problem for the community both in India and abroad. Also, the properties of those without heirs or who have gone abroad are being taken over and occupied by others not of the faith. SHAPOUR B. BADRI