

Repaying grants

Hundreds of Parsi scholars have been helped by Parsi trusts for studies abroad. When I was chief executive officer of the Bombay Parsi Punchayet I found out to my dismay that most of them did not care to repay the grants. I wrote to their parents/guardians and requested them to return, even in installments, the grants given so that other aspiring scholars could pursue their studies abroad. I explained three factors: the continually eroding value of the rupee; the British government not subsidizing Commonwealth students after Margaret Thatcher’s premiership; and the course fees which had galloped year after year. Some of them repaid more than what they had been given. A few never cared to reply. At any given time the funds are static, unless augmented by an addition to the Foreign Education Corpus, which we did. As a moral obligation towards the following generations of students, parents and scholars should attempt to repay the grants as fast as they can.             B. T. DASTUR  ...

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