Subscribers’ comments on Parsiana’s strengths and weaknesses written on the subscription renewal form are published with their consent. Unless another name is affixed to the remarks, Parsiana assumes they are written by the subscriber.
Parsiana’s strengths: Parsiana is impartial and digs out loopholes in all our Parsi institutions. That is creditable. Please keep it up and enlighten us every now and then. Many thanks.
Parsiana’s strengths: Factual reporting of events. Shortcomings: Not coming out forcefully against the Bombay Parsi Punchayet, the self-styled "high priests” and others of their ilk. NESS P. PESIKAKA
Parsiana’s strengths: Worldwide coverage. Shortcomings: Publishing some letters that are sheer nonsense and fit for the waste paper basket. ZARIR B. SETHNA
Parsiana’s strengths: Free, frank and fearless. PERVIZ PESI SODAWATERVALA
Parsiana’s strengths: News about Parsis in India and worldwide, religious teachings and debates. Shortcomings: None. DAISY SUKHIA
British Columbia, Canada
Parsiana’s strengths: Parsiana does not hesitate to rake up a controversy. It dares to publish the unpalatable, unlike other community media. Shortcomings: Parsiana concentrates too much on the caste (Parsi). It should highlight that this caste is preventing the religion (Zoroastrianism) from growing and thriving.