“The last hurrah?”

In "The last hurrah?” (Editorial Viewpoint, Parsiana, April 21-May 6, 2023) you say that the presence of children and youngsters at community events is a rarity. But what else can you expect when the number of births in the community is decreasing rapidly due to a fall in the number of marriages, married couples not having children due to work conditions, or having married late in life? When one visits a Muslim or Hindu colony one can see a large number of children playing. In a Parsi colony one can see a larger number of elderly folk loitering around or sitting on balconies reading newspapers, with the occasional laughter of a child.         SHAPOUR B. BADRI shapourb@yahoo.com ...

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Sooooo true!!!!
- Sunnu Golwalla
- 22-May-2023


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