“A balancing act”

Congratulations on a brilliant editorial (A balancing act,” Parsiana, May 7-20, 2023) on the financial crisis in the Bombay Parsi Punchayet (BPP). It deserves to be more widely disseminated — filled as it with most useful and revealing information, very deftly gathered and put together in the confines of just one printed page! Its effect is devastating. The one thing I disagree with is the bald statement that "The BPP is too big to fail.” With the collapse of the world’s leading banks, no organization in this world is to too big to bite the dust. We require more trustees of calibre and capacity like the late Lady Cowasji Jehangir — bless her soul — who was a maverick for fiscal prudence and discipline. Additionally, I enjoyed your quotable quote: "It is better to debate a question without settling it, than to settle a question without debating it!”   FALI NARIMAN Delhi falinariman@gmail.com The editors reply: No sooner had we written the line than we had misgivings about its applicability. The BPP can certainly fail as Nariman correctly points out. Perhaps the more appropriate adage would have been "the bigger you are, the harder you fall.”  ...

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