Zarathushtra’s message

Zoroastrianism is not/ a concentration camp/ Where non Zoroastrians/ Are held behind a barbed/ Wire fence/ Treated and demeaned/ Like animals in cages/ From where there is no escape. Freedom is more like precious stones/ More precious than silver and gold/ To achieve freedom they have/ Sacrificed their lives/ Putting their lives on the line/ Escaping by whatever means/ They can find. Zoroastrianism’s message/ Is very simple:/ "Hear with your ears/ Ponder with a good mind”/ Further it seems to preach/ Equality, freedom, universality/ Tolerance, respect, dignity for all. Those who are deaf, dumb, blind/ To this message but insist on/ Preaching a skewered message/ Are making mockery and committing sacrilege. So, instead of preaching and interpreting/ The holy scriptures/ Pause, chill and think/ Wouldn’t it be better to spread/ Asho Zarathushtra’s pristine/ Message so there is peace/ Happiness as well prosperity/ For all humanity/ Rather than/ Hatred, racism, discrimination,/ Exclusion, gun violence and bigotry?                                           FARDIA BAMJI Ottawa, Canada   ...

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Ms Bamji you have put it all so well!
- Sunnu Golwalla
- 08-May-2023


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