The Bombay Parsee Association that completes 98 years
conducts competitions for the young and old
Roxan Driver
"The new world is before us. The future is going to be machine learning, artificial intelligence... Routine jobs are not going to be there in the future. So please try and ensure that you give entrepreneurship an opportunity,” urged Xerxes Dastur, Bombay Parsi Punchayet trustee and chief guest at the 98th anniversary celebrations and prize distribution function of The Bombay Parsee Association (BPA). The event held at Cama Baug on November 17, 2018 started with a jashan performed by Ervads Marespand Dadachanji and Viraf Bhesania and was followed by a humbandagi recited by Ervad Asphandiar Dadachanji.
While lauding the work of......