M Pallonji

Parsi girl greets

 An image of the figurine of a young Parsi girl wearing an ijar, jhabla, coat and topi, standing in the Textile and Costume Gallery of the Prince of Wales Museum (now Chhatrapati Shivaji Maharaj Vastu Sangrahalaya), was used by the Museum on social media to wish viewers a happy Parsi New Year on August 16, 2023. The 17 cm figurine in ivory was reportedly gifted to the Museum by one Ms Naoroji Lam. The topi shows indications of jari embroidery. The girl’s long hair is done up in a plait. She is stylishly supporting her arm on a decorative stand. The Museum website notes that "the portrait could be of a young girl from one of the well-known Parsi families of Bombay.” "The 18th-19th century Parsis in Bombay started adapting to the lifestyle of the British. As a corollary, it became fashionable to get oneself portrayed and a number of Parsi portraits of this period are available today,” adds the description of the figurine.     Lass in the collection of the Prince of Wales Museum          ...

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