“Plea for joint action”

Yezdyar Kaoosji’s letter "Plea for joint action” (Readers’ Forum, Parsiana, December 21, 2024-January 6, 2025) regarding measures required to reverse the downward spiral of our community and to initiate a new direction is very well articulated. We need to discard traditions and rituals not mentioned in the Gathas and follow the edicts mentioned in the original message of Prophet Zarathushtra. YEZAD KAPADIA Gurgaon, Haryana yezad.kapadia@gmail.com ...

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Parsiana could run series of article in a creative/inspiring manner, on the original message of Zarathushtra so that the focus gets where it needs to. Good has power over weak.
- Sunnu Golwalla
- 10-Feb-2025

Parsiana could run series of article in a creative/inspiring manner, on the original message of Zarathushtra so that the focus gets where it needs to. Good has power over weak.
- Sunnu Golwalla
- 10-Feb-2025


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