Subscribers’ comments

Subscribers’ views on Parsiana/the community as expressed on the subscription renewal form are published. Unless another name is affixed to the remarks, Parsiana assumes they are written by the subscriber. Pertinent information, well reported. Impeccable editing and presentation. PHIROZE B. JAVERI Keep up the good work. NAVZER HOMI VAKHARIA The Parsiana editorial team writes with courage and conviction — all the truth that happens in our city and country. Hats off to them.                    RATI DADI WADIA Very knowledgeable and useful tool for the Zoroastrian community. I hope your good work will carry on for generations to come. God bless Parsiana Publications and its team members. ADI MINOO WANKADIA The editors reply: We’d be happy if Parsiana even survives this generation! ...

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Just a thought (not for publishing)
The young today prefer less words and more message, style of writing. Maybe you could start a digital publication where young write in their style and on topics that would interest them. Of course overseen by someone open minded and encouraging.

Parisana is a great magazine for community news and views and needs to be perpetuated.

Best wishes.
- Sunnu Golwalla
- 26-Apr-2023


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