Things have taken yet another turn within the Poona Parsi Panchayat (PPP) with erstwhile vice chairman Yezdi Motiwala claiming that he still remains a trustee though the seven-member board of trustees voted on January 6, 2023 to dissolve the board with a vote of five in favor (with Motiwala dissenting) and hold fresh elections (see "Poona elections again,” Events and Personalities, Parsiana, January 21- February 6, 2023).
Motiwala has contended in an email to the election officer Farsheed Irani dated January 11 and circulated on social media that "technically you should hold elections on six seats for trusteeship… My term of office has still to expire on April 3, 2025.
"You will not hold the election on seven seats till such orders [from the charity commissioner (CC)] are passed or you can hold elections only for six seats,” he wrote.
Tehmasp Bharucha, who resigned as president of the board told Parsiana the PPP office had received "no communication from the CC so far.” As for holding elections for six or seven trustees, he opined "once the board is dissolved, a new board has to be elected.” F. J.