Manchersha Madhiwala lived all his life as a postmaster and used his free time after work to cure people of all back and bone problems with his famous leg kicks and hand knocks. So famous was he that patients, including ministers, would come by train and Madhiwala would treat them on the railway platform while the trains would wait. Patients would come on stretchers and return walking. And all this was done without any charge.
Madhiwala’s main disciple, Jal Amaria, used to work in a mill throughout the day and in the evenings give free treatment to the sick at his Mahim home.
Manchersha Madhiwala (l) and Jal Amaria; below: their liniment
Both Madhiwala and Amaria refused to charge a single rupee to cure people though they could have made crores from their God-given gift and lived life king size from those monies. But they preferred to live simple lives within their means. Their lives can be best described in just one sentence: Eternal sunshine of the spotless mind.
Wherever both of them are reborn in their next lives, their noble good deeds will follow them after birth. They are blessed for the service they did to humanity.