The Dadar Athornan Institute (DAI) has started operating once again with almost its full strength after the pandemic during which activities had to be restricted online.
The Institute was established in 1919 by the Athornan Mandal, Bombay, to train children from athornan families in ritual expertise and religious knowledge in a suitable environment. The DAI celebrated its centenary three years ago and during its existence has trained hundreds of full-fledged priests to serve the community.
At present, 25 students are being trained at the Institute for priesthood along with academic education up to SSC (Secondary School Certificate) level at the Dadar Parsee Youths Assembly High School. Boarding, lodging, education and other facilities are provided totally free of cost. The expense incurred on each child is around Rs 2,00,000 per annum.
To sustain the DAI and ensure its continuity, it seeks generous financial support from well-wishers through its lunch and dinner or student sponsor schemes and by regular donations.
For further information we may be contacted by telephone on 91-22-24138086, or in writing at: The Joint Honorary Secretaries, Athornan Mandal, 240, Navsari Building, 2nd fl, Dr Dadabhai Naoroji Road, Fort, Bombay 400001. tel: +91-22-22070784; email:
Principal, Dadar Athornan Institute