“So they say”

"For every Lee Kuan Yew (who brilliantly developed modern Singapore) there are multiple Maos, Stalins, Pol Pots and Chavezes who were walking, talking disasters for their countries,” is an excellent quote from industrialist Naushad Forbes ("So they say,” Parsiana, May 21-June 6, 2024). However, I think the impact of his statement would have been more pertinent had he mentioned the current "walking, talking disasters” that are ruining their nations and torturing segments of their populations.  On another tack, linking your germane idea of re-purposing religious property for other uses to an earlier editorial ("For those who care,” Editorial Viewpoint, Parsiana, May 7-20, 2024), how about converting these properties to productive use like housing and hospice care for seniors who lack effective support systems or resources?    YEZDYAR KAOOSJI  California, USA yezdyk@gmail.com ...

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